EMMA Coverage Report (generated Thu Apr 12 17:22:33 CEST 2007)
[all classes][org.jmock.core]


nameclass, %method, %block, %line, %
MockObjectSupportTestCase.java100% (1/1)3%   (2/58)4%   (17/381)7%   (5/75)


nameclass, %method, %block, %line, %
class MockObjectSupportTestCase100% (1/1)3%   (2/58)4%   (17/381)7%   (5/75)
MockObjectSupportTestCase (String): void 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/4)0%   (0/2)
and (Constraint, Constraint): And 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/6)0%   (0/1)
arrayContaining (Constraint): IsArrayContaining 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/5)0%   (0/1)
arrayContaining (Object): IsArrayContaining 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/6)0%   (0/1)
arrayContaining (boolean): IsArrayContaining 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/7)0%   (0/1)
arrayContaining (byte): IsArrayContaining 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/7)0%   (0/1)
arrayContaining (char): IsArrayContaining 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/7)0%   (0/1)
arrayContaining (double): IsArrayContaining 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/7)0%   (0/1)
arrayContaining (float): IsArrayContaining 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/7)0%   (0/1)
arrayContaining (int): IsArrayContaining 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/7)0%   (0/1)
arrayContaining (long): IsArrayContaining 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/7)0%   (0/1)
arrayContaining (short): IsArrayContaining 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/7)0%   (0/1)
assertThat (Object, Constraint): void 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/25)0%   (0/6)
assertThat (boolean, Constraint): void 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/8)0%   (0/2)
assertThat (byte, Constraint): void 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/8)0%   (0/2)
assertThat (char, Constraint): void 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/8)0%   (0/2)
assertThat (double, Constraint): void 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/8)0%   (0/2)
assertThat (float, Constraint): void 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/8)0%   (0/2)
assertThat (int, Constraint): void 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/8)0%   (0/2)
assertThat (long, Constraint): void 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/8)0%   (0/2)
assertThat (short, Constraint): void 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/8)0%   (0/2)
collectionContaining (Constraint): IsCollectionContaining 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/5)0%   (0/1)
collectionContaining (Object): IsCollectionContaining 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/6)0%   (0/1)
compatibleType (Class): IsCompatibleType 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/5)0%   (0/1)
contains (String): StringContains 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/4)0%   (0/1)
endsWith (String): StringEndsWith 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/5)0%   (0/1)
eq (Object): IsEqual 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/5)0%   (0/1)
eq (boolean): IsEqual 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/7)0%   (0/1)
eq (byte): IsEqual 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/7)0%   (0/1)
eq (char): IsEqual 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/7)0%   (0/1)
eq (double): IsEqual 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/7)0%   (0/1)
eq (double, double): IsCloseTo 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/6)0%   (0/1)
eq (float): IsEqual 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/7)0%   (0/1)
eq (int): IsEqual 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/7)0%   (0/1)
eq (long): IsEqual 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/7)0%   (0/1)
eq (short): IsEqual 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/7)0%   (0/1)
hasProperty (String): HasProperty 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/5)0%   (0/1)
hasProperty (String, Constraint): HasPropertyWithValue 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/6)0%   (0/1)
isA (Class): IsInstanceOf 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/5)0%   (0/1)
isIn (Collection): IsIn 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/5)0%   (0/1)
isIn (Object []): IsIn 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/5)0%   (0/1)
mapContaining (Constraint, Constraint): IsMapContaining 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/6)0%   (0/1)
mapContaining (Object, Object): IsMapContaining 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/9)0%   (0/1)
mapWithKey (Constraint): IsMapContaining 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/6)0%   (0/1)
mapWithKey (Object): IsMapContaining 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/6)0%   (0/1)
mapWithValue (Constraint): IsMapContaining 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/6)0%   (0/1)
mapWithValue (Object): IsMapContaining 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/6)0%   (0/1)
newDummy (Class): Object 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/3)0%   (0/1)
newDummy (Class, String): Object 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/4)0%   (0/1)
newDummy (String): Object 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/3)0%   (0/1)
not (Constraint): IsNot 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/5)0%   (0/1)
or (Constraint, Constraint): Or 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/6)0%   (0/1)
same (Object): IsSame 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/5)0%   (0/1)
startsWith (String): StringStartsWith 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/5)0%   (0/1)
stringContains (String): StringContains 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/5)0%   (0/1)
toString (Constraint): HasToString 0%   (0/1)0%   (0/5)0%   (0/1)
<static initializer> 100% (1/1)100% (14/14)100% (3/3)
MockObjectSupportTestCase (): void 100% (1/1)100% (3/3)100% (2/2)

[source file 'org/jmock/core/MockObjectSupportTestCase.java' not found in sourcepath]

[all classes][org.jmock.core]
EMMA 2.0.5312 (C) Vladimir Roubtsov