package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.bcel.SignatureConstants; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Attribute; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.CodeException; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ProofAttribute; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.JavaClass; import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Method; import org.apache.bcel.generic.ConstantPoolGen; import org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionHandle; import org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionList; import org.apache.bcel.generic.InvokeInstruction; import org.apache.bcel.generic.FieldInstruction; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.bcel.generic.ReturnInstruction; /** * @author Dorina * * This class provides an algorithm to perform a static analysis a method of a '.class' file. * */ public class MethodAnalyzer { /** * the Java class to wich the analysed belongs */ private JavaClass _class; private ClassAnalyser classAnalyser; /** * contant pool of the class */ private ConstantPoolGen cpg; /** * The method to wich the analyse applies */ private Method _method; /** * Array of Annotations vector (one vector per instruction) */ private Annotation annotations[]; /** * A global dictionary that contains all method signature. */ private SignatureDictionary dictionary; private Policy policy; private FlowChecker flowchecker; /** Checker for dsl policies */ private MethodInfo methodInfo; private Interpreter interpreter; private InterpreterIF interpreterIF; private MethodInfoIF methodInfoIF; private ImplicitDependences implicitDependences; /** * label bytecode (int) => Frame */ private TreeMap> labels = new TreeMap>(); /** * stats for label bytecodes * label(int) => number of passes (int) */ Hashtable statsLabels = new Hashtable(); //public static int stat = 0; private int proof_index; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * */ /** * Creates a new MethodAnalyser instance. * * @param dict * A global dictionary that contains all methods signatures. * @param pol * The security policy * @param cpg * The constant pool generator * @param c * The class to witch m belongs * @param m * The method to analyse * @param proof_index * The index for the proof attribute, when adding annotations to .class file * */ public MethodAnalyzer(SignatureDictionary dict, Policy pol, FlowChecker fc, ConstantPoolGen cpg, JavaClass c, Method m, ClassAnalyser ca, int proof_index) { this.policy = pol; this.flowchecker = fc; this.setDictionary(dict); this._class = c; this._method = m; this.setCpg(cpg); this.classAnalyser = ca; this.methodInfo = new MethodInfo(this); this.interpreter = new Interpreter(this); this.proof_index = proof_index; // plop //methodInfoIF = new MethodInfoIF(this); //this.implicitDependences = new ImplicitDependences(_method,methodInfoIF.getConditions()); //interpreterIF = new InterpreterIF(this); this.initAnnotations(); this.initLabels(); Stats.sizeOfProof += statsLabels.size() * (interpreter.getMethodInfo().getReferences().length + interpreter .getMethodInfo().getValues().length); } /** * Initialization of the annotations vector array * */ private void initAnnotations() { //FIXME depends on options annotations = new Annotation[2]; annotations[0] = new FlowAnnotation(interpreter.getRefValues(), interpreter.getMethodInfo()); annotations[1] = new EscapeAnnotation(interpreter.getRefs(), interpreter.getMethodInfo()); } /** * Initiates labels with labels bytecode * */ private void initLabels() { InstructionList i_list; i_list = new InstructionList(_method.getCode().getCode()); Iterator it = i_list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { InstructionHandle ih =; if (ih.hasTargeters()) { labels.put(new Integer(ih.getPosition()), new Vector(0)); } else if (InstructionType.getType(ih.getInstruction()) == InstructionType.JSR_INSTRUCTION) { labels.put(new Integer(ih.getPosition()), new Vector(0)); } } //Add exception handlers to labels table CodeException[] handlers = _method.getCode().getExceptionTable(); for (int i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) { labels.put(new Integer(handlers[i].getHandlerPC()), new Vector(0)); } Iterator it2 = labels.keySet().iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()){ Integer lab=; statsLabels.put(lab, new Integer(0)); } } /** * increments number of passes for label pos * @param pos */ private void incStat(int pos) { Integer posi = new Integer(pos); int i = statsLabels.get(posi).intValue(); i++; statsLabels.put(posi, new Integer(i)); } /** * Merges the frame for bytecote pos with the frame f * @param pos * @param f * @return */ private boolean mergeFrameAtLabel(int pos, Frame f) { if (!labels.containsKey(new Integer(pos))) return true; Integer posi = new Integer(pos); Vector v = labels.get(posi); boolean updated = false; if (v.size() == 0) { System.out.println("new frame"); v.add((Frame) f.clone()); updated = true; } else { System.out.println("merge frame"); Frame f0 = v.elementAt(0); updated = f0.merge(f); } return updated; } /** * * @param pos * The bytecode position to be verified * @return * true if the bytecode at position pos is a target bytecode, * false otherwise */ private boolean isLabelOrHandler(int pos) { return labels.containsKey(new Integer(pos)); } /** * Returns the frame corresponding to bytecode at position pospos. If pos * is not a label bytecode, it returns null */ private Frame getFrameForPos(int pos) { Vector v = labels.get(new Integer(pos)); if (v != null && v.size() > 0) return v.elementAt(0); return null; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Analyse //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * * Follows the control flow of the method * Algorithm: * Initialization of the control stack * do * get the instruction to execute on top of stack * get the instruction previously executed on top of stack * update the annotation vector of the current instruction * execute the instruction * get the next possible instruction after the current one * * if some changes has been brougth to annotations, stack, static world * or local variables (variable and parameter) * for each of these instruction do * push on top of stack the current instruction * push on top of stack the next instruction * done * end if * while the stack is not empty */ public void analyse() { if (_method.isNative()) { System.err.println("[Warning] " + _method + " is native"); return; } Stats.aproxMemory(labels.size(), this.methodInfo.getJvmValues().length); Stack control = new Stack(); control.push(interpreter.getStart()); Frame currentFrame = null; if (isLabelOrHandler(interpreter.getStart().getPosition())) { this.mergeFrameAtLabel(interpreter.getStart().getPosition(), this.interpreter.getDefaultFrame()); } else { currentFrame = this.interpreter.getDefaultFrame(); } TableLink checkedlinks = new TableLink(30, 30); //FIXME Frame prev_frame= (Frame)currentFrame.clone(); InstructionHandle currentHandle = null; while (!control.isEmpty()) { currentHandle = control.pop(); /** * get current frame */ if (isLabelOrHandler(currentHandle.getPosition())) { System.out.println("label or handler spotted"); prev_frame = (Frame)currentFrame.clone(); currentFrame = null; currentFrame = (Frame) (this.getFrameForPos(currentHandle.getPosition()).clone()); incStat(currentHandle.getPosition()); } /** * Mod starts here */ // System.out.println(">> " + currentHandle + " <<"); // System.out.println(currentFrame); TableLink newtbl = ((FlowAnnotation)annotations[0]).link(currentFrame); for(int i=0; i it; ArrayList list = interpreter.getNextExceptionHandlers(currentHandle); if (list.size() > 0) { Frame ex = (Frame) currentFrame.clone(); ex.getStack().clear(); ex.getStack().push(ex.getException()); //ex.makePointTo(ex.getStaticWorld(),ex.getException()); it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { InstructionHandle next =; boolean modif = this.mergeFrameAtLabel(next.getPosition(), ex); if ((updated || modif) && !control.contains(next)) { control.push(next); } } } /** * process next instructions */ it = interpreter.getNextInstructions(currentHandle, currentFrame).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { InstructionHandle next =; boolean modif = this.mergeFrameAtLabel(next.getPosition(), currentFrame); if ((updated || modif) && !control.contains(next)) { control.push(next); } } } if (Config.statisticsEnabled()) { Stats.stats(this); String st = Stats.statsToString(this); if (!st.equals("")){ //Stats.println(st); } } Signature sign = new Signature(); boolean updated = false; for (int i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++) { if (annotations[i].getPartialSignature() != null) { sign.add(annotations[i].getPartialSignature()); //System.out.println(">>" + annotations[i] + "<<"); updated = true; } } if (updated) { //System.out.println("coin : " + sign); String key = SignatureDictionary.key(_class, _method); dictionary.putSignature(key, sign, interpreter.isFinalSignature()); } } /** * Computes the proof annotation to be embedded with the code , in order to ease the online verification. * The proof associates to each label bytecode its corresponding frame. * * format * codification length_of_jvmType_tablearray_of_proofs_length array_of_proofs * * array_of_proof contains elements of form: * label size_of_proof(in bytes) proof * * where proof is the codification of a frame * * The labels are order, to facilitate the oncard algorithm * @return * The proof annotation to be embedded with the code , in order to ease the online verification */ public byte[] getProof() { byte[] output = null; //no proof if there are no labels /* if (labels.size() == 0) return null; */ int length = 0; Frame fr; Vector v; Integer key; byte codification = this.getProofCodification(); //add length at the begining? //compute length length += 1; length += SignatureConstants.LABEL_BYTECODE_SIZE; length += SignatureConstants.LABEL_BYTECODE_SIZE; Iterator keys = labels.keySet().iterator(); Frame tmp = null; for (; keys.hasNext();) { key =; v = labels.get(key); length += SignatureConstants.LABEL_BYTECODE_SIZE; if (v.size() > 0) { fr = v.elementAt(0); byte[] arr = fr.toBytes(codification, tmp); length += arr.length; tmp = fr; } else { length += SignatureConstants.TOTAL_LENGTH_SIZE; tmp = null; } } //construct output output = new byte[length]; int index = 0; output[index++] = codification; byte[] arrSize = SignatureConstants.toByteArray( this.interpreter.refValuesLength , SignatureConstants.LABEL_BYTECODE_SIZE); System.arraycopy(arrSize, 0, output, index, arrSize.length); index += arrSize.length; arrSize = SignatureConstants.toByteArray(labels.size(), SignatureConstants.LABEL_BYTECODE_SIZE); System.arraycopy(arrSize, 0, output, index, arrSize.length); index += arrSize.length; keys = labels.keySet().iterator(); tmp = null; for (; keys.hasNext();) { key =; v = labels.get(key); //set label arrSize = SignatureConstants.toByteArray(key.intValue(), SignatureConstants.LABEL_BYTECODE_SIZE); System.arraycopy(arrSize, 0, output, index, arrSize.length); index += arrSize.length; byte[] arr = null; if (v.size() > 0) { fr = v.elementAt(0); //compute frame arr = fr.toBytes(codification, tmp); tmp = fr; } else { arr = new byte[SignatureConstants.TOTAL_LENGTH_SIZE]; tmp = null; } System.arraycopy(arr, 0, output, index, arr.length); index += arr.length; } return output; } /** * Returns to codification to be used in order to codify the proof * @return * */ private byte getProofCodification() { int length = this.interpreter.getRefValues().length + this.interpreter.getAddresses().length; if (length <= 63) return SignatureConstants.CODIF_6B; if (length <= 255) return SignatureConstants.CODIF_8B; if (length <= 16384) return SignatureConstants.CODIF_14B; return SignatureConstants.ERROR_CODIFICATION; } /** * * annotates the .class with the proof (the frame of each jump target) * */ public void annotateProof() { byte[] byteStream = this.getProof(); if (byteStream == null) { return; } Attribute[] orig = this._method.getAttributes(); if (byteStream.length > 0) { ProofAttribute linkAttr = new ProofAttribute(proof_index, byteStream.length, byteStream, _class.getConstantPool()); int j = 0; while (j < orig.length) { if (orig[j] instanceof ProofAttribute) break; j++; } if (j < orig.length) { orig[j] = linkAttr; _method.setAttributes(orig); } else { Attribute[] new_attr = new Attribute[orig.length + 1]; new_attr[0] = linkAttr; System.arraycopy(orig, 0, new_attr, 1, orig.length); _method.setAttributes(new_attr); } } else { //suppress the attribute int j = 0; while (j < orig.length) { if (orig[j] instanceof ProofAttribute) { break; } j++; } if (j < orig.length) { Attribute[] new_attr = new Attribute[orig.length - 1]; if (j > 0) System.arraycopy(orig, 0, new_attr, 0, j); if (j < orig.length - 1) System.arraycopy(orig, j + 1, new_attr, j, orig.length - j - 1); _method.setAttributes(new_attr); } } } public void addExternalMethod(InvokeInstruction i, int signType) { this.classAnalyser.addExternalMethod(i, signType); } public void addExternalField(FieldInstruction i) { this.classAnalyser.addExternalField(i); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// toString //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ public String toString() { return "MethodAnalyser.toString() not yet implemented\n"; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //IMPLICIT FLOW ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void analyseImplicitFlow() { if (_method.isNative()) { System.err.println("Warning: " + _method + " is native"); return; } Printer.println("Analyzing method " + _method); Stack control = new Stack(); control.push(interpreterIF.getStart()); this.implicitDependences.set(interpreterIF.getStart().getPosition(), new BooleanExpression(BooleanVariable.condition_true)); InstructionHandle currentHandle = null; while (!control.isEmpty()) { currentHandle = control.pop(); //Printer.println("pop from control stack : "+currentHandle); /* ArrayList list = interpreterIF.getNextExceptionHandlers(currentHandle); if (list.size() > 0) { Frame ex = (Frame)currentFrame.clone(); ex.getStack().clear(); ex.getStack().push(ex.getException()); //ex.makePointTo(ex.getStaticWorld(),ex.getException()); it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { InstructionHandle next = (InstructionHandle); boolean modif = this.mergeFrameAtLabel(next.getPosition(), ex); if( (updated || modif) && !control.contains(next)){ //Printer.println("push exception "+next); control.push(next); } } } */ HashMap succ = interpreterIF.getNextInstructions(currentHandle); Iterator it = succ.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { InstructionHandle next =; BooleanExpression condition = succ .get(next); boolean modif = interpreterIF.abstractExecutionStep( currentHandle, next, condition); if (modif && !control.contains(next)) { control.push(next); } } } Printer.println(this.implicitDependences.toString()); } public MethodInfo getMethodInfo() { return this.methodInfo; } public MethodInfoIF getMethodInfoIF() { return this.methodInfoIF; } public ImplicitDependences getImplicitDeps() { return this.implicitDependences; } //////////////////////////////////////// //// IMPLICIT FLOW - END //////////////////////////////////////// /** * @param cpg The cpg to set. */ private void setCpg(ConstantPoolGen cpg) { this.cpg = cpg; } /** * @return Returns the cpg. */ public ConstantPoolGen getCpg() { return cpg; } /** * @param dictionary The dictionary to set. */ private void setDictionary(SignatureDictionary dictionary) { this.dictionary = dictionary; } /** * @return the dictionary. */ public SignatureDictionary getDictionary() { return dictionary; } /** * @return the policy */ public Policy getPolicy() { return policy; } /** * @return the flow checker */ public FlowChecker getFlowChecker() { return flowchecker; } /** * * @return the bcel Method object */ public Method getMethod() { return _method; } /** * * @return the bcel JavaClass object associated to analyzed method */ public JavaClass getJavaClass() { return this._class; } /** * * @return the class name */ public String getClassName() { return _class.getClassName(); } /** * * @return the annotations of the method */ public Annotation[] getAnnotations(){ return this.annotations; } }